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Population Needs Assessment

Every year, CenCal Health conducts a Plan-wide Population Needs Assessment, to evaluate the health status of our members, adequacy of health education and quality improvement programs, and to identify health disparities and gaps in services.

The purpose of this annual effort is to ensure we are meeting the needs of our members and providing the highest quality of service possible.

Download the CenCal Health Population Needs Assessment below.

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County Assessments

CenCal Health meaningfully participates in the community health assessments for both Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. Read below to learn more.

Santa Barbara County

Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department. Cottage Health, along with several other community organizations, partner to improve the well-being of Santa Barbara County residents.

To better understand the needs and strengths of the entire community, the collaborative developed the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment for Santa Barbara County. This report describes the well-being of Santa Barbara County’s residents and selected social determinants of their health, with comparisons to California’s health profile as a whole.

CenCal Health is an active partner in the Santa Barbara County 2024—2025 CHNA development process, including attending planning meetings, assisting with deliverables, and providing data.

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The Santa Barbara County CHIP is in development. CenCal Health has contributed to prioritization of goals and objectives by attending key stakeholder meetings and providing data as requested. A shared SMART objective between CenCal Health and SB County will be included in the CHIP, which will be linked upon its publication.

San Luis Obispo County

SLO Health Counts is a collaborative of community members, nonprofits, government agencies, cities, schools, and other leaders in SLO County working together toward the shared goal of a healthy, thriving community.

Community Health Assessment (CHA)

The SLO Health Counts collaborative conducts a CHA for SLO County every five years. The findings are intended to inform the community about the top health issues facing the community. The full 2023 report can be found on the SLO Health Counts Website.

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The SLO Health Counts 2024-2029 CHIP acts as a roadmap for how partners will work together to counter preventable health problems and improve community well-being over the long term. To acess the report, view the 2024-2029 SLO County Community Health Improvement Plan PDF.

CenCal Health has contributed to prioritization of goals and objectives by attending key stakeholder meetings and providing data as requested. A shared SMART objective between CenCal Health and SLO County is included in the CHIP.