Free 24 Hr Nurse Line: (800) 524-5222
Reliable health information is a phone call away, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please call this toll-free number if you experience any of the following medical concerns:
- Wonder whether you need to make an appointment or go to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care Clinic?
- Need information about medications, medical tests or procedures?
- Want to learn how to take care of a new or chronic condition?
- Have questions about how you or your family can stay healthy?
Additionally to the services the Nurse Advise Line offers, after-hours care is available to members by many network providers and also through urgent care centers or the emergency room. Please see the tabs below for more information.
Other Options for After-Hours Medical Assistance:
Some Primary Care Physicians offices and clinics are open evening and weekends. If you need care after regular office hours, call your primary care doctor to ask if they have evening and weekend care hours.
Your primary care doctor’s telephone number is on the front of your CenCal Health Identification Card. Download our list of doctors that provide this service after 5pm and on weekends without a referral.
Interpreter Services through the Certified Language International telephonic services are available at no cost.
These are covered any time you are outside of the service area (Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo Counties) or on nights and weekends.
More serious health problems that may need immediate attention by a doctor are:
- Unexpected illness
- Injury
- Pregnancy
- Prolonged pain (lasts for some time)
- Complication of an existing medical condition
- Broken bone
These are covered any time you are inside or outside of the service area (Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo Counties) and you believe you or your child need medical care immediately. Go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.
Examples of emergency conditions are when:
- Your are experiencing severe pain
- You are pregnant and the health of your unborn child may be in serious danger
- You may have serious damage to any body organ or part if you do not receive immediate medical care
- Your health will be in serious danger if you don’t receive immediate medical care
- You are experiencing major problems with bodily function
- High fever for prolonged time