CenCal Health was notified that Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse that sends EDI claims and Electronic Remittance Advices (ERAs), has experienced a cyber security issue. Access to Change Healthcare’s system is restricted until the issue is resolved. We do not currently have a timeframe for resolution.
If you submitted any claims through Change Healthcare after February 20th, they have not been received by CenCal Health. This means that the amount of your payment from CenCal Health may be impacted until we receive your claims. We would like to assist you in alternative ways to submit your claims to CenCal Health, including:
1. Submitting claims via paper to us at:
CenCal Health Claims Dept.
P.O. Box 948
Goleta, CA 93116-0948
2. Submitting claims to an alternative clearinghouse of your choice.
3. Submitting claims through AdminisTEP, who works directly with CenCal Health:
- Provider Enrollment Phone Line: (214) 440-3141
- Provider Enrollment Email:
- Claims Questions/HelpDesk/Support Email:
- Sign-up via their Portal at:
4. Submitting Claims directly to CenCal Health via our secure Provider Portal
5. Retrieving EOP’s on our secure Provider Portal
6. Enroll to receive an ERA Electronic Remittance Advice.
- Getting Started with ERA’s:
- ERA’s are limited to Contracted Providers
- Sign-Up: To enroll in ERA, Complete an Enrollment Form and email to EDI@
- Or. If you have questions about ERA’s, contact our Claims Customer Service team at (805) 562-1083, option 1, or
- Email us at if you have questions about ERA’s
Quick and Easy Enrollment: The process is straightforward and effective in less than 30 days
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Search our network of over 1,500 providers to find the medical care that best fits your needs.
We Believe Providers are Partners
CenCal Health is focused on making it easier for local providers to serve our members and deliver the highest quality of care. We are publicly governed, non-profit and directly accountable to the communities we serve.
CenCal Health is proud to provide health care access to members of our community who would otherwise go without coverage by contracting with a strong network. In fact, 94% of local providers are contracted with us.

CenCal Health’s Provider Manual
The Provider Manual includes information such as Provider enrollment, Responsibilities, Claims information, Member eligibility, Guidelines for medical authorizations. We are here for you.
The Provider Bulletin newsletter
Our Provider Bulletin newsletter is a valuable notice that is produced as an informative service for providers and office staff and is published every month by the Provider Services Department. It includes information on new programs, changes to member benefits, educational opportunities, claims related detail and more. Sign up here if you would like to receive the Provider Bulletin electronically.
Other Items of Interest
CenCal Health holds a variety of orientations, on-site training and workshops. We update the website whenever our events are scheduled.