Multimillion-Dollar Programs at Work to Develop, Expand Healthcare Capacity on Central Coast
CenCal Health implements Medi-Cal initiatives...
CenCal Health to Invest $6M in Workforce Development on Central Coast
Grants will be available to expand healthcare...
Staff Commitment
Employee commitment is the bond employees experience with their organization including how satisfied they feel to be a part of it.
The commitment our staff have with the communities they serve is similar in that they feel a bond with their communities, and the feeling of satisfaction when they help someone in need.
It’s the kind of commitment you see when our staff pull resources to make gift baskets for recipients of the Recuperative Care Programs, to help the medically fragile who are experiencing homelessness, or donate toys to the Unity Shoppe Toys for Tots drive to put a smile on a child’s face during the holidays. It’s the time employees spend at United Way’s, Day of Caring events or during the winter holidays by packing backpacks for foster care children, who they call their “Angels” through the “It Takes a Village” program, so that children don’t have to feel the shame of carrying their personal items in paper bags. It’s the personal attention they give in picking out trees and wreaths and decorating them to give to the Peoples Self Help Housing Program, so they can give them to families in need during the holiday season.
In San Luis Obispo County our staff have donated to the United Way “Stuff a Bus” fundraiser so children who aren’t able to purchase back to school items receive these items for free. In both Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties our staff donate to the foodbanks by donating canned food for the food drives, and they donate books and deliver them to the skilled nursing facilities to provide reading material and also interact with the residents.
It’s all of this and much more why our staff is committed to giving back to our communities since 1983.
Our staff lives our mission and they embody it by “walking the talk”.
CenCal Health is involved in dozens of events and donation opportunities in our communities and we gladly serve with gifts of time, financial contributions, food, and necessities to make life a little brighter for those in need. We’ve collected and donated books to Serenity House, collected spare change for the March of Dimes, walked and ran in 5k’s and 10k’s that benefit foster kids and families, the American Heart Association, and so much more. At the holidays, we have stuffed backpacks full of holiday wish list items for needy kids and families, and our employees always bring in food items and we fill the barrels to the brim with food donations for the Foodbanks. We are deeply committed to all of the cities in our two-county service area, and we show it by giving back to the people we serve every day.
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