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Home 5 Explore CenCal Health 5 CalAIM Impact

CalAIM Impact

In 2022, the California Department of Health Care Services launched CalAIM, California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal, a far-reaching, multiyear plan to transform California’s Medi-Cal program and to make it integrate more seamlessly with other social services. CenCal Health administers CalAIM funding to local providers to support CalAIM programs, including Enhanced Care Management and various Community Supports.

These CalAIM Impact videos showcase local CalAIM success stories through the personal testimonies of area residents who have benefited from various CalAIM programs operated by many of our community partners and supported by CenCal Health.

A Health Lifeline: Changing Lives through Street Medicine

Enhanced Care Management is a CalAIM benefit funded by CenCal Health that allows members with complex health and social needs to receive support from a dedicated care team. Through Enhanced Care Management, local provider Doctors Without Walls helped a client named Michael get life-changing medical care and secure temporary housing following a period of homelessness.

From Homeless to Homed

CalAIM funding administered by CenCal Health provides support for individuals experiencing homelessness, including Enhanced Care Management and Housing Supports. Local agency Good Samaritan Shelter worked with Nolberto and his family to offer multiple services, including mental health and addiction recovery support, during their transition from homelessness.


A Place to Heal

Recuperative Care is among the Community Supports offered by CenCal Health through CalAIM. These programs provide a stable, clean place for people experiencing homelessness to receive medical care coordination following a hospitalization or physical illness or injury. Good Samaritan Shelter’s Recuperative Care program changed the life of James, who suffered in pain for years before receiving much-needed help.

Sobriety Sanctuary

Sobering Centers are among the various Community Supports funded by CenCal Health through CalAIM. Good Samaritan Shelter operates a sobering center in Santa Maria that provides crucial services for intoxicated individuals while alleviating overburdened hospitals and law enforcement in the community.

The Road Home

Housing Transition Navigation Services are among the CalAIM Community Supports offered to members through CenCal Health. 5Cities Homeless Coalition’s unique Cabins for Change program has utilized these funds to help individuals like Kristin secure temporary housing while working toward permanent housing.

A Fresh Start

Through Housing Tenancy & Sustaining Services funded through CalAIM Community Supports, Grover Beach-based 5Cities Homeless Coalition helped a client named Monica secure permanent housing and begin to stabilize her life following a period of homelessness.